Adding A Lookup Category and Data


In OE, on the top menu bar select File Maintenance|Edit Valid Lookup Data.

The following form will show up.


Click on the Find A Category button and a form similar to the following will show up.


If you click on AGECAT on my system the form displayed first in this document is what will show up.  You might have a list of categories that does not include AGECAT.  If so you need to press Esc or click on Esc/Abandon button.


Here is how to create a new category.

On the File Maintenance Form for Lookup Data click Add A Category.  A mostly blank form will be displayed waiting for you to make an entry in the Category field.  For example: to create a category for separating the receivables into categories you would enter AGECAT into this field.  Once you enter the new category it is locked in and you cannot change it.  Next you enter a code and description.  For AGECAT it’s the description that is most important.  This is not true for all categories.  Sometimes it is the code that is important.  Sometimes it is a combination of values. 


To add another entry for a category you just click on the button labeled Add an Entry in This Category and fill in the form that shows up.